304 stainless steel pipes

Cause of cracking: The cold work hardening index of austenitic 304 stainless steel pipe is 0.34. Austenitic 304 stainless steel pipe is a meta-stable type, which will undergo phase transformation and induce martensite structure during the deformation process. The martensite structure is brittle and easy to crack. During the plastic deformation process, as the amount of deformation increases, The higher the content of induced martensite, the greater the residual stress, and the easier it is for cracks to occur during processing.

In addition, the quality of stainless steel pipes is determined by steel belts. Generally speaking, 304 stainless steel pipes are produced by refining furnace steel belts. According to the copper content, it can be divided into low-copper materials, medium-copper materials and high-copper materials, so that the elongation of the pipe will increase sequentially, but the relative price will be slightly higher. As there are many brands of stainless steel pipes in the market, the competition is fierce, the prices among peers are getting lower and the profits are getting thinner, so which side has a lower price and which side receives the goods, there will be a kind of intermediate frequency charge.

Post time: Dec-03-2021